Jual Viscometer Brookfield murah – Distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfield, jual viskometer Brookfield kirim ke seluruh Indonesia : Medan, Makasar, Pekanbaru, Padang, Menado, Samarinda, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Jakarta, Palu, Bali, Lombok, Jayapura, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Kupang, Bandar Lampung, Banda Aceh, Jambi, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Ambon, Maluku, Banten, Jambi, Tanjung Pinang, Riau, Pangkal Pinang, Banjarbaru, Tanjung Selor, Serang, Denpasar, Kupang, Mataram, Mamuju, Palu, Kendari, Sofifi, Manokwari, Nabire, Jayawijaya, Merauke, Sorong, dll.
Brookfield Viscometer merupakan alat ukur kekentalan atau viskositas cairan yang sangat populer digunakan dalam berbagai bidang Industri : makanan, kosmetik, farmasi, bahan kimia, lem, cat, tinta, bahan coating, dll
Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun sebagai distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfield dalam jual produk-produk viscometer Brookfield, kami yakin untuk dapat membantu Anda dengan harga murah dan kompetitif. Kami juga melayani jasa perbaikan, instalasi dan Training pemakaian alat Viscometer Brookfield. Kami menyadari bahwa layanan purna jual atau jasa perbaikan / service, instalasi dan training penggunaan Viscometer Brookfield dan alat-alat yang kami jual sangat penting untuk mendukung kepuasan dari semua pelanggan kami.
Segera hubungi bagian pemasaran kami 0818-822-488 untuk konsultasi kebutuhan viscometer Anda.
Berikut daftar model dan varian alat ukur kekentalan cairan Viscometer Brookfield yang kami jual, sbb. :
Dial Reading : LVT – RVT – HAT – HBT
Viscometer KU-3 atau KU3 untuk kekentalan Cat, Coating, Tinta, dll
Viscometer CAP 1000 dan CAP 2000
Rheometer RSX-CC
Rheometer RSX-SST
Rheometer RSX-CP
Rheometer RSO
Rheometer PVS
Viscometer Terlaris Model : DV2TLV, Touch Screen dilengkapi Sensor Suhu
Kami juga jual murah Accessories untuk alat ukur kekentalan Viscometer Brookfield, al. :
Silicon Viscosity Standard untuk verifikasi / kalibrasi Viscometer Brookfield
Mineral oil viscosity standard untuk verifikasi / kalibrasi Viscometer Brookfield
Spindle LV Set Viscometer Brookfield
Spindle RV Set Viscometer Brookfield
UL Adapter untuk mengukur viskositas sangat rendah hingga 1 cP
Small Sample Adapter untuk mengukur sample dengan volume sedikit hingga 1 ml
Helipath Stand untuk mengukur Sample Non-Flowing (Cream, Pasta, Gel, dll)
DIN Adapter untuk pengukuran viskositas sesuai dengan Standard DIN Eropa
Waterbath untuk mengatur suhu sample agar stabil
Thermosell untuk memanaskan atau mengatur suhu sample hingga 300C
Pameran Lab Indonesia – Texture Analyzer dan Viscometer Brookfield
Texture Analyzer adalah alat untuk pengujian tekstur berbagai mcam produk dengan cara ditekan atau ditarik. Hasil pengujian tesktur misalnya akan menentukan apakah tekstur makanan menjadi : renyah/crispy, alot, kera, empuk, lembut, dsb. Pengujian tekstur sangat penting untuk menjaga mutu produk yang bersangkutan. Sedangkan Powder Flow Tester adalah alat untuk pengujian sifat alir berbahan bubuk atau granule.
Sebagai pelengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, selain jual Viscometer Brookfield harga murah, kami juga jual berbagai macam alat ukur kekentalan cairan Viscometer dari produk Lamy Rheology asal Perancis, yang memproduksi alat antara lain : Viscometer, Rheometer dan Texture Analyzer. Kami juga jual produk Viscometer Brookfield murah sebagai pelengkap kebutuhan pengguna. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia. Untuk memberikan pelayanan yang baik, kami juga memberikan layanan Purna Jual Perbaikan, Instalasi dan Training penggunaan alat Viscometer Brookfield yang kami supplai dengan murah dan budget yang rasional.
Segera hubungi bagian marketing kami : 0818-822-488 untuk mendapatkan harga terbaru alat ukur kekentalan atau viskositas cairan Viskometer Lamy Rheology.
Torque measurement accuracy: 1% of full scale range
Repeatability: 0.2% of full scale range
Easy speed adjustment and on/off control
Compatible with all Brookfield accessories
NIST traceable viscosity standards available
Electronic drive means quiet, reliable operation
Universal power supply worldwide compatibility
With a view models as follows :
LVT, Range 15 – 2.000.000 cps
RVT, Range 100 – 8.000.000 cps
HAT, Range 200 – 16.000.000 cps
HBT, Range 800 – 64.000.000 cps
Each of our standard Viscometers is supplied with an internal spring used to calculate the viscosity of a material. These springs have different measuring capabilities:
LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents. RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints. HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies. HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.
Note: Additional special springs are also available upon request. Hanya kami yang jual murah Viscometer Dial Reading Brookfield.
5-inch full-color touch screen display with a dynamic user interface for direct access to the features
Advanced interface with enhanced controls and a real-time test indicator
Displayed info includes Viscosity (cP, mPa∙s, P, Pa∙s), Temperature (°C, °F or K), Torque (%, mNm, Dyne∙cm), Speed/Spindle, and Step Program Status
USB and Bluetooth* interface for use with the DVPlus Connect app
Temperature offset capability to ±5°C
Choice of multiple languages, including English, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish
Total of 740 speeds for an excellent range capacity
Optional RTD Temperature Probe (DVP-94Y)
Direct access to the time measurement function (time to torque, time to temperature, time to stop).
Automatic range calculation:
Full-Scale Range (FSR) at 100%
Maximum Viscosity measured with Spindle / Speed Combination
Accuracy of ±1.0% of range
Repeatability of ±0.2%
17025 Calibration (Optional)
Learn more about the DVPLUS Connect App (Optional).
DVPlus Connect is AMETEK Brookfield’s new time-saving app that monitors and records test data.
The app provides an easy way to view test data and create permanent test records. Important features and benefits enhance operator versatility in performing viscosity tests, including:
Monitor tests in real-time
View and save test data
USB and Bluetooth* connection options
Available for Windows (iOS and Android coming soon)
Print via PC
With a view models as follows :
– DVPLLV, range 1* to 6.000.000 cps
– DVPLRV, range 100** to 40.000.000 cps
– DVPLHA, range 200** to 80.000.000 cps
– DVPLHB, range 800** to 320.000.000 cps
Viscometer Brookfield DVPlus merupakan viscometer model terbaru pengganti DV1 yang kami jual murah juga.
Displays info: viscosity (cP/mP·s), temperature (°C/°F), shear rate/stress, % torque, spindle/speed, step program status
Enhanced security provides customizable user levels and password access.
Built-In options include timed tests, data averaging, programmable QC limits/alarms, customizable speed/spindle lists, on screen data comparison
Auto range shows maximum viscosity measured with any spindle/speed combination
USB PC interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability Download custom test programs with included PG Flash software
Front-facing bubble level for convenient viewing
Built-in temperature probe
Accuracy of ±1.0% of FSR
Repeatability of ±0.2%
NIST traceable viscosity standards available
Also available: New magnetic coupling system, durable ball bearing suspension system, quick action lab stand and RheocalcT software.
Gel Timer DV2T comes with glass measurement rod, compression-fit glass rod adapter, lab stand with adjustable stop for quickly positioning glass rod at proper immersion depth in test sample, and temperature probe.Test method can be run either manually or using program stored in instrument memory.Accuracy and reliability of Gel Timer DV2T make this instrument the preferred choice in QC for measuring gel coats, resins, and potting compounds.Viscosity data generated during the test may also prove helpful for complete characterization of material flow behavior.
Packs of 10 glass rods are available; use part number GT-1010. Spare magnetic couplings can be retrofit to existing viscometers; use part number GT-2000.
The DV2T Gel-Timer instrument can also be used as a standard rotational viscometer with the purchase of any standard viscometer spindle set or measurement accessory and carries all of the same viscometry functions as a standard DV2T.
Continuous torque sensing capability
Live display of real time data; gel time, temperature in °C or °F
Easy to use:
Glass rod fits snugly into the compression-fit coupling
Special stop on lab stand controls immersion depth of glass rod
Test runs automatically using time-to-torque feature
Optional Magnetic Coupling Attachment (replaces EZ-lock)
Optional Bar Code Scanner
Compliant Version :
Hand-held Scanner for Bar Code Detection
Accessory Detection with Bar Code Detection
Magnetic Coupling Attachment (replaces EZ-Lock)
Compliance to 21CFR Part 11 in Stand-alone and GAMP Compliant
Ethernet Connectivity
LIMS Connectivity
Printing to non-editable PDF
Each of our standard Laboratory Viscometers/ Rheometers are supplied with an internal spring used to calculate the viscosity of a material. These springs have different measuring capabilities:
LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents. RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints. HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies. HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.
Precise shear rates for determining a material’s flow curve behavior
Rapid temperature control due to small sample size
Magnetic coupling attachment for simplified spindle attachment and removal
Electronic gap adjustment for simplified setup and increased throughput
Touch Screen Display available on DVNext Rheometers
Auto-zero function to ensure precision torque measurement
Auto-range function to define full-scale-range (FSR) for all spindle/speed combinations
Torque measurement accuracy: 1% of full-scale range
Repeatability: 0.2% of full-scale range
DVNext Cone/Plate Menghasilkan Pengukuran Viskositas Absolut dgn Jumlah Sample Sedikit.
The DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer is a precise torque meter which is driven at discrete rotational speeds. The torque measuring system, which consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by the presence of sample fluid between the cone and a stationary flat plate.
The resistance to the rotation of the cone produces a torque that is proportional to the shear stress in the fluid. This reading is easily converted to absolute centipoise units (mPa·s) from pre-calculated range charts. Alternatively, viscosity can be calculated from the known geometric constants of the cone, the rate of rotation, and the stress related torque.
The correct relative position of cone and plate is obtained by following a simple mechanical procedure without the need for external gauges or supplementary instrumentation.
The stationary plate forms the bottom of a sample cup which can be removed, filled with 0.5 ml to 2.0 ml of sample fluid (depending on cone in use), and remounted without disturbing the calibration. The sample cup is jacketed and has tube fittings for connection to a constant temperature circulating bath.
The system is accurate to within ±1.0% of full-scale range. Reproducibility is to within ±0.2%. Working temperature range is from 0°C to 100°C.
Various cone spindles are available for use with the DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer. Cone spindles may be purchased and will be calibrated for use with the same sample cup.
The DVNext Wells – Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer provides a wide variety of shear rates and viscosity ranges, which can be further extended by using interchangeable cone spindles. Different models can be selected to meet the specific range of viscosities and shear rates required.
Shear rates as high as 1875 sec-1 (DVNextCP) can be achieved.
The small sample volume required permits rheological evaluations to be made on materials where sample availability is limited, such as biological fluids and thick film coatings that contain precious metals.
All wetted parts are stainless steel for corrosion resistance and ease of cleaning. Optional purge fitting, luer fitting, and embedded temperature probe available.
Updated gap setting :
The DVNext Wells Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer is supplied with an advanced Electronic Gap Setting feature. This technology allows faster set-up time and minimizes the possibility of gap adjustment errors. A simple turn of the micrometer adjustment ring and the gap is set, reducing the time associated with manual detection methods.
The new electronic gap setting system is now a standard feature on the DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer. This instrument provides precise shear profiles necessary to determine viscosity and develop rheological data.
Meets Industry Standards : ASTM D4287, ISO 2884 and BS 3900
Small sample size, < 1 mL, simplifies testing
Integrated temperature control
Optional CAPCALC32 software for complete control and data analysis
Open system for quick and easy cleaning
Jual viscometer Brookfield model CAP 2000 murah.
Percayakan hanya kepada kami kebutuhan Viscometer Brookfield Anda, karena hanya kami yang memiliki pengalaman lengkap lebih dari 20 tahun dalam jual alat ukur kekentalan / viskositas Viscometer Brookfield dengan murah dan pelayanan terbaik. Kami merupakan distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfied di Indonesia.
Selain menjual Viscometer, kami juga menjual Rheometer untuk pengujian sifat Rheology suatu cairan dan Texture Analyzer untuk pengujian Texture berbagai macam produk, misalnya : Makanan, Kosmetik, Farmasi, Bahan Kemasan, dll.
RSO Oscillatory Rheometer, Produk terbaru Brookfield
Viscometer Brookfield – Distributor Resmi
Distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfield, jual viscometer Brookfield murah, pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
Tersedia stock berbagai model : LVT, RVT, HAT, HBT, DVELV, DVERV, DVEHA, DVEHB, DV1MLV, DV1MRV, DV1MHA, DV1MHB, DVPLLV, DVPLRV, DVPLHA, DVPLHB, DV2TLV, DV2TRV, DV2THA, DV2THB, DVNext. KU-3, CAP 1000, CAP 2000, RSX Rheometer, RSO Rheometer, PVS Rheometer, dll.
Segera hubungi Bag. Marketing kami : 0818-822-488 untuk mendapatkan info harga terbaru.
Sebagai ungkapan terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda, silahkan Download artikel GRATIS..!!! “Panduan Cara Menggunakan Viscometer Brookfield”
Jual Viscometer Brookfield murah – Distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfield, jual viskometer Brookfield kirim ke seluruh Indonesia : Medan, Makasar, Pekanbaru, Padang, Menado, Samarinda, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Jakarta, Palu, Bali, Lombok, Jayapura, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Kupang, Bandar Lampung, Banda Aceh, Jambi, Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Ambon, Maluku, Banten, Jambi, Tanjung Pinang, Riau, Pangkal Pinang, Banjarbaru, Tanjung Selor, Serang, Denpasar, Kupang, Mataram, Mamuju, Palu, Kendari, Sofifi, Manokwari, Nabire, Jayawijaya, Merauke, Sorong, dll.
Brookfield Viscometer merupakan alat ukur kekentalan atau viskositas cairan yang sangat populer digunakan dalam berbagai bidang Industri : makanan, kosmetik, farmasi, bahan kimia, lem, cat, tinta, bahan coating, dll
Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun sebagai distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfield dalam jual produk-produk viscometer Brookfield, kami yakin untuk dapat membantu Anda dengan harga murah dan kompetitif. Kami juga melayani jasa perbaikan, instalasi dan Training pemakaian alat Viscometer Brookfield. Kami menyadari bahwa layanan purna jual atau jasa perbaikan / service, instalasi dan training penggunaan Viscometer Brookfield dan alat-alat yang kami jual sangat penting untuk mendukung kepuasan dari semua pelanggan kami.
Segera hubungi bagian pemasaran kami 0818-822-488 untuk konsultasi kebutuhan viscometer Anda.
Berikut daftar model dan varian alat ukur kekentalan cairan Viscometer Brookfield yang kami jual, sbb. :
Kami juga jual murah Accessories untuk alat ukur kekentalan Viscometer Brookfield, al. :
Selain Viscometer dan Rheometer, Brookfield Engineering USA juga memproduksi beberapa alat lain yang kami jual, yaitu :
Texture Analyzer adalah alat untuk pengujian tekstur berbagai mcam produk dengan cara ditekan atau ditarik. Hasil pengujian tesktur misalnya akan menentukan apakah tekstur makanan menjadi : renyah/crispy, alot, kera, empuk, lembut, dsb. Pengujian tekstur sangat penting untuk menjaga mutu produk yang bersangkutan. Sedangkan Powder Flow Tester adalah alat untuk pengujian sifat alir berbahan bubuk atau granule.
Sebagai pelengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, selain jual Viscometer Brookfield harga murah, kami juga jual berbagai macam alat ukur kekentalan cairan Viscometer dari produk Lamy Rheology asal Perancis, yang memproduksi alat antara lain : Viscometer, Rheometer dan Texture Analyzer. Kami juga jual produk Viscometer Brookfield murah sebagai pelengkap kebutuhan pengguna. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia. Untuk memberikan pelayanan yang baik, kami juga memberikan layanan Purna Jual Perbaikan, Instalasi dan Training penggunaan alat Viscometer Brookfield yang kami supplai dengan murah dan budget yang rasional.
Segera hubungi bagian marketing kami : 0818-822-488 untuk mendapatkan harga terbaru alat ukur kekentalan atau viskositas cairan Viskometer Lamy Rheology.
Sebagai ungkapan rasa terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda, kami persembahkan artikel yang dapat Anda download Gratis, “Panduan Pengukuran Viskositas Menggunakan Viscometer Brookfield”
Berikut spesifikasi alat ukur kekentalan / viskositas cairan Viscometer Brookfield :
Product features :
With a view models as follows :
Each of our standard Viscometers is supplied with an internal spring used to calculate the viscosity of a material. These springs have different measuring capabilities:
LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.
Note: Additional special springs are also available upon request. Hanya kami yang jual murah Viscometer Dial Reading Brookfield.
Product features :
With a view models as follows :
Kami menyediakan stock dan jual Viscometer Brookfield seri DVE dengan murah dan pelayanan terbaik.
With a view models as follows :
*1 cP achieved with UL Adapter accessory. 15 cP on LV with standard spindles.
**Minimum viscosity is achieved with optional RV/HA/HB spindle.
Viscometer DV1 merupakan model Viscometer Brookfield terlaris yang kami jual dengan murah.
Learn more about the DVPLUS Connect App (Optional).
DVPlus Connect is AMETEK Brookfield’s new time-saving app that monitors and records test data.
The app provides an easy way to view test data and create permanent test records. Important features and benefits enhance operator versatility in performing viscosity tests, including:
With a view models as follows :
– DVPLLV, range 1* to 6.000.000 cps
– DVPLRV, range 100** to 40.000.000 cps
– DVPLHA, range 200** to 80.000.000 cps
– DVPLHB, range 800** to 320.000.000 cps
Viscometer Brookfield DVPlus merupakan viscometer model terbaru pengganti DV1 yang kami jual murah juga.
Measurement range for every model :
Gel Timer DV2T comes with glass measurement rod, compression-fit glass rod adapter, lab stand with adjustable stop for quickly positioning glass rod at proper immersion depth in test sample, and temperature probe.Test method can be run either manually or using program stored in instrument memory.Accuracy and reliability of Gel Timer DV2T make this instrument the preferred choice in QC for measuring gel coats, resins, and potting compounds.Viscosity data generated during the test may also prove helpful for complete characterization of material flow behavior.
Packs of 10 glass rods are available; use part number GT-1010. Spare magnetic couplings can be retrofit to existing viscometers; use part number GT-2000.
The DV2T Gel-Timer instrument can also be used as a standard rotational viscometer with the purchase of any standard viscometer spindle set or measurement accessory and carries all of the same viscometry functions as a standard DV2T.
Jual murah Gel Timer Viscometer DV2T Brookfield Engineering USA.
Standard Version :
Compliant Version :
Each of our standard Laboratory Viscometers/ Rheometers are supplied with an internal spring used to calculate the viscosity of a material. These springs have different measuring capabilities:
LV is for low viscosity materials and can measure the thinnest materials. Typical examples include inks, oils, and solvents.
RV is for medium viscosity materials than those measured with an LV torque. Typical examples include creams, food, and paints.
HA is for higher viscosity materials than those measured with an RV torque. Typical examples include gels, chocolate and epoxies.
HB is for even higher viscosity materials than those measured with an HA torque spring. Typical examples include asphalt, caulking compounds, and molasses.
What’s Included :
Note :
The DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer is a precise torque meter which is driven at discrete rotational speeds. The torque measuring system, which consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by the presence of sample fluid between the cone and a stationary flat plate.
The resistance to the rotation of the cone produces a torque that is proportional to the shear stress in the fluid. This reading is easily converted to absolute centipoise units (mPa·s) from pre-calculated range charts. Alternatively, viscosity can be calculated from the known geometric constants of the cone, the rate of rotation, and the stress related torque.
The correct relative position of cone and plate is obtained by following a simple mechanical procedure without the need for external gauges or supplementary instrumentation.
The stationary plate forms the bottom of a sample cup which can be removed, filled with 0.5 ml to 2.0 ml of sample fluid (depending on cone in use), and remounted without disturbing the calibration. The sample cup is jacketed and has tube fittings for connection to a constant temperature circulating bath.
The system is accurate to within ±1.0% of full-scale range. Reproducibility is to within ±0.2%. Working temperature range is from 0°C to 100°C.
Various cone spindles are available for use with the DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer. Cone spindles may be purchased and will be calibrated for use with the same sample cup.
The DVNext Wells – Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer provides a wide variety of shear rates and viscosity ranges, which can be further extended by using interchangeable cone spindles. Different models can be selected to meet the specific range of viscosities and shear rates required.
Shear rates as high as 1875 sec-1 (DVNextCP) can be achieved.
The small sample volume required permits rheological evaluations to be made on materials where sample availability is limited, such as biological fluids and thick film coatings that contain precious metals.
All wetted parts are stainless steel for corrosion resistance and ease of cleaning. Optional purge fitting, luer fitting, and embedded temperature probe available.
Updated gap setting :
The DVNext Wells Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer is supplied with an advanced Electronic Gap Setting feature. This technology allows faster set-up time and minimizes the possibility of gap adjustment errors. A simple turn of the micrometer adjustment ring and the gap is set, reducing the time associated with manual detection methods.
The new electronic gap setting system is now a standard feature on the DVNext Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Rheometer. This instrument provides precise shear profiles necessary to determine viscosity and develop rheological data.
The optional paste spindle is suitable for use with high consistency materials such as roller mil pastes.
NIST traceable viscosity standards available
Paints & Coatings
Select the temperature range that best suits your application: 5°C to 75°C or 50°C to 235°C
Choose from 10 spindles for multiple viscosity ranges
Brookfield will help choose the appropriate instrument configuration.
Jual MURAH Viscometer CAP1000 Brookfield Engineering USA
Expanded Ranges :
Jual viscometer Brookfield model CAP 2000 murah.
Percayakan hanya kepada kami kebutuhan Viscometer Brookfield Anda, karena hanya kami yang memiliki pengalaman lengkap lebih dari 20 tahun dalam jual alat ukur kekentalan / viskositas Viscometer Brookfield dengan murah dan pelayanan terbaik. Kami merupakan distributor resmi Viscometer Brookfied di Indonesia.
Selain menjual Viscometer, kami juga menjual Rheometer untuk pengujian sifat Rheology suatu cairan dan Texture Analyzer untuk pengujian Texture berbagai macam produk, misalnya : Makanan, Kosmetik, Farmasi, Bahan Kemasan, dll.
Jual Viscometer Brookfield murah, alat untuk ukur kekentalan / viskositas cairan. Pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia.
Produk Terkait
Viskometer Brookfield DVELV
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